Our Vision and Purpose
Ridgeway is a deeply caring community of faith, rooted in the Anabaptist/Mennonite faith family. We seek to have Jesus at the center of our theology and our lives together.
We value cultivating life-giving relationships across our differing perspectives and diverse life experiences. We also have a deep desire to be a blessing in our neighborhood as we share in word and deed the Good News of Jesus.
Our purpose as a Church is to love God and all people, enabled by the Holy Spirit to become the living presence of Jesus Christ in our homes, across the street, and around the world.

Who are the Mennonites ?
That's a good question. The short answer is anyone who is part of Mennonite faith community. Some of us are new to the Mennonite faith tradition, others have rooted them selves in this particular faith expression as a part of the whole Christian faith family.
One common descriptor for three core values of Mennonite is:
- Jesus is the center of our faith;
- Community is the center of our lives; and
- Reconciliation is the center of our work.
Mennonite Vision of Healing & Hope
We are a diverse community, and one thing that unites us is how we practice our faith in the world…
- Actively following Jesus is central to our lives.
- We seek to follow Jesus above nationalism, racism or materialism.
- We are a historic peace church. We follow Jesus as a peacemaker and believe that we can practice the way of Jesus’ reconciling love in human conflicts and in response to violence.
- We believe in living simply and in service to others as a witness to God’s love for the world.
What is an Anabaptist Christian? is available as a PDF from Mennonite Mission Network. To download a copy, go to https://www.mennonitemission.net/Downloads/DL.MissioDei18.E.pdf
Ridgeway is a member of Harrisonburg District of Virginia Mennonite Conference and member of the Mennonite Church USA.
For more information about what Mennonites believe, see our denomination’s Confession of Faith.