Chad Miller
Chad began his role as the Pastor at Ridgeway in the summer of 2020, he and his family moved from Calgary Alberta.
From Pastor Chad. “Pastoring at Ridgeway has been a richly rewarding calling. We feel so blessed to be part of this amazing grace filled community of faith. I have a deep desire to help people see a God that looks like Jesus as well as a deep conviction that the table of Jesus is open to all who are seeking Jesus, all means all”
Theological Influences: Chris EW Green, Rowan Williams, Brad Jersak, Jeremy Duncan, Megan Good, Willie Jennings, Karen Keen
Education: Chad has a MA in Church leadership from Eastern Mennonite Sermonary, also attended Prayer Graduate School, Providence College (MB) and Rosedale Bible College.
Hobbies: fly fishing, golf and pickleball